Lawn Aeration

Mass Turf Aeration exclusively uses Jonathan Green Black Beauty grass seed

Lawn Aerator Services

Lawn aeration is soil perforation. Regular foot traffic, family gatherings, riding mowers/tractors, and construction are some of the most common causes of soil compaction in household yards. Lawn Aeration is meant to loosen compacted soil, thereby facilitating nutrient/fertilizer uptake, improving drainage, and boosting lawn fertility.

More specifically, we use a core aerator that removes thousands of plugs (or cores) of soil and thatch from your lawn. As the soil cores (ranging from 1″-3″ in length) are removed, nutrients, water, and, most importantly, oxygen are able to enter the openings where the lawn’s root system can immediately access them. This encourages a thicker, fuller root system for stronger growth. The important final result is that your lawn becomes thicker, greener, has less thatch, and becomes more drought tolerant.

Benefits of Core Aeration

What is best time to aerate your lawn?

Repair your lawn with core aeration & overseeding

The best time to aerate your lawn is when it is actively growing. In New England, Fall is one of the best times of the year to aerate. The lawn is going through a period of rapid growth and weeds are slowing down making it easier for the lawn to establish and flourish. Lawn aeration i the Spring is beneficial as well. Spring aeration gives grass plants an extra boost and provides faster greening. It’s best to follow Spring aeration with a pre-emergent fertilizer application to prevent crabgrass weeds from germinating.

Check out these before & after pictures

Repair your lawn with core aeration & overseeding


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Below are the major benefits of Core Aeration:

Lawn aeration is soil perforation. Regular foot traffic, family gatherings, riding mowers/tractors, and construction are some of the most common causes of soil compaction in household yards. Lawn Aeration is meant to loosen compacted soil, thereby facilitating nutrient/fertilizer uptake, improving drainage, and boosting lawn fertility.

More specifically, we use a core aerator that removes thousands of plugs (or cores) of soil and thatch from your lawn. As the soil cores (ranging from 1″-3″ in length) are removed, nutrients, water, and, most importantly, oxygen are able to enter the openings where the lawn’s root system can immediately access them. This encourages a thicker, fuller root system for stronger growth. The important final result is that your lawn becomes thicker, greener, has less thatch, and becomes more drought tolerant.

The best time to aerate your lawn is when it is actively growing. In New England, Fall is one of the best times of the year to aerate. The lawn is going through a period of rapid growth and weeds are slowing down making it easier for the lawn to establish and flourish. Lawn aeration i the Spring is beneficial as well. Spring aeration gives grass plants an extra boost and provides faster greening. It’s best to follow Spring aeration with a pre-emergent fertilizer application to prevent crabgrass weeds from germinating.

Below are the major benefits of Core Aeration:

  • Reduces water/fertilizer runoff from overly compacted lawn
  • Helps relieve soil compaction
  • Improves heat and drought stress tolerance
  • Increases soil microbial activity to control thatch
  • Improves fertilizer uptake and use
  • Encourages a deeper/stronger root system
  • Stimulates new grass growth
  • Provides ideal conditions for overseeding